.. _testing: Running the Tests ================= A ``Makefile`` is included to take care of setting up a virtualenv for running tests. All you need to do is run:: $ make test To change the Python version used to run the tests (default is Python 2.7), change the ``PYTHON_MAJOR`` and ``PYTHON_MINOR`` variables at the top of the ``Makefile``. You can run on all supported versions with:: $ make test-all Individual tests can be run using using a command with the format:: nosetests :ClassName.func_name Example:: $ source env/bin/activate $ nosetests tests/test_reqparse.py:ReqParseTestCase.test_parse_choices_insensitive Alternately, if you push changes to your fork on Github, Travis will run the tests for your branch automatically. A Tox config file is also provided so you can test against multiple python versions locally (2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7) :: $ tox